Date: Wed Mar 21, 2001 4:46am Hi Everyone, I'm new to the board, just joined today. My story goes something like this. A few years back, I was placed on Zoloft, then Paxil for severe PMS symptoms and chronic pain associated with endometriosis. Everything appeared to be ok until I requested that my family physicians replace my Paxil with Wellbutrin so that I could try and quit smoking. Well, after fourteen days on the Wellbutrin, I had lost 12 lbs (that I couldn't afford to lose) and became psychotic/paranoid thinking that everyone around me was talking about me. Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, severe anxiety, etc. So, I called my doctor and they stopped the Welbutrin cold turkey (didn't tell me that I should wean myself off of it) and within 5 days restarted the Paxil at a 20 mg dosage. well, when starting the Paxil/waiting for the Welbutrin to die down in my system I slept for 36 hours straight, not waking up for anything except to drink something then went back to sleep. The one thing that I don't do is sleep like that, my average nite of sleep since I was very small has been about 4-5 hours a nite, haven't ever needed more than that. So, I stayed on the Paxil and all the symptoms of the psychosis that I had on the Welbutrin returned, except that I began sleeping 16 hours a day. Couldn't go anywhere, the anxiety attacks were so bad, and I was driving coworkers crazy. They all thought I was losing my mind. So, I went into see my family doctor and she had me stop the Paxil one day and begin on Effexor the next. Shortly after this, I got an appointment with a psychologist that knows me very well because I thought I was losing my mind. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't tell her that I thought it was the medication, I just went into see her and gave her a list of things that I thought might be the problem, then she began questioning me about the SSRI medication use ...and said that she thought it was the medications/chemical rebound from the different chemicals they tried without weaning me off of any of them. I also developed tremors on the Effexor and facial tics, which I didn't even know could happen. Thank god she knows me well, and knows that this is not how I truly am. I generally love being with people and being in crowds. I'm the type of person that will generally talk to anyone. Well, it's been about 1 1/2 weeks since I've seen her, and it has taken me that long to get anyone to return my calls about weaning me off the medications. One psychiatrist did not even wish to speak with her, and told me to try and stick out the Effexor. Thank god I found out that she wasn't participating in my health care program. She made me angrier than I have ever been (side effect from Effexor?) So, I called my family doctor upon the psychologists suggestion and told them that she wanted to know about how to wean myself off of the effexor. Their response was oh, you've not been on it long, just stop. (3-4 weeks) Isn't this what has gotten me into this mess in the first place? So, as of this time, I haven't received any more return phone calls from psychiatrists that are supposed to be able to help people with this. Thank god my employer is very understanding although I am now on leave without pay because I can't stand to be in crowds. My psychologist and I are coming up with a game plan and I began weaning myself off the effexor today, and MAN do I have a headache and an upset stomach. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. It is amazing to me that I was not warned that these side effects could occur and that my family doctors apparently know nothing about weaning people off of these medications. Here I thought I was all alone in this struggle, because usually if there is an odd side effect from any drug, I'm usually the one that gets it. Also I bought the book, Prozac Backlash--As I read, my mouth drops open because I can relate to so much of what is in the book. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. You have no idea how much finding this group means to me! So, at any rate, I just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you and your loved ones deal with the chaos that SSRI's have brought into your lives, and if there is any way that I can be of help, just ask. De Date: Wed Mar 21, 2001 5:57am Response: Hi De, welcome I am Cynthia, your story sounds alot like mine, I only took the Prozac for 15 days, and today was my 9 months off the drug!!!! I have to tell you that I am not fully recovered, I am sooo much better but I still have flashbacks. Just know that you need a lot of time, maybe 1 year or so, it takes a long time and your doing the right thing by not taking any more drugs. One is NOT better then the other, they all cause brain damage. Feel free to ask any questions, we have heard it all....., take care, Cynthia Date: Thu Mar 22, 2001 4:00am Thank you Cynthia for your warm welcome. Thank you for the words of support, this has been an amazing discovery process for me. and I hope that I never ever have to go through another like it! Live and learn, but damn this was a hard way to learn! There have actually been people that have asked me if I would recommend that they go on something like response is think twice and read the book I just bought.....(Prozac Backlash) I think I might just buy a copy for my family doctors office, not because i'm bitter, but because I think they should know what these drugs can do to people, and what to watch for if they are going to prescribe them...and God help them I hope not.... I wouldn't wish this stuff on my worst enemy, Geez. Other than that it's day two on half dosage, and I have a HUGE headache behind my left eye and a stomach ache, with disorentation of direction, and continued memory problems, not to mention hot flashes...not to mention I didn't sleep last night....Wow....but nothing is worse for me than what I went through prior, so I'll have to live with it for now....adaptation, ain't it fun? LOL... Take care, De